You were really excited about your vape, and everything was going so well....then one day on your mod screen you get a little message saying "No Atomizer" or "Low Atomizer" we feel your pain, but these can be common issues with vape device, but with a little bit of problem solving we can get yours back on the go again!
Below are some of the most common messages or issues you may be experiencing with your device. We have outlined what and why the message or issue is happening and some quick fix tips to remedy them.
My Mod is displaying “Atomizer Low” What does this mean?
“Atomizer Low” can mean different things depending on the mod you are using. In most cases it stems from the resistance of your coils. Whats is happening is the mod is reading that the coil in your tank is at a lower resistance than the lowest allowed resistance of your mod meaning the coil and the mod are not compatible.
For Example: You have an Eleaf 30w iStick mod and you try to use a Uwell Crown 3 Tank with it. The Crown 3 includes a 0.25 ohm coil and the Eleaf 30w iStick mod is rated to read a coil resistance down to 0.4 ohms but no lower. The coil in the Uwell Tank is too low in resistance for the mod; so the error “Atomizer Low” will display on your mod as a result.
Other culprits can be a dead coil, or a loosely seated coil, or a faulty 510 connection on the device. To remedy this we recommend you first make sure the coil is seated and screwed in nice and tight (Not overly tight) next replace the coil completely and then check to see if you get a correct reading.
My Mod is displaying “No Atomizer” What does this mean?
9/10 times this means you have a dead coil, or a loosely seated coil. To remedy this we recommend you first make sure the coil is seated and screwed in nice and tight (Not overly tight) next replace the coil completely and then check to see if you get a correct reading.
If the above fails it can be a faulty 510 connection on the device due to excess gunk and build up on the connection points of your tank and mod or a out of balance centre pin on your mod not making a clear connection with your tank. To remedy this we first recommend you clean your tank and mods 510 Thread area and reconnect the device. Next check to see if the centre pin on your mod is sitting close enough to the outside area to make a steady connection with the thread of the tank. If its sunken in to much some devices have screw holes to the sides where you can adjust this, if not you can lightly make contact with the spring using a tool and gently prying it up to make the connection with your tank.
My Device is powering on but no vapour is coming out…. What does this mean?
If you are using a simple fixed device; For example the Innokin Endura T18 or T20-s you won’t have any screen to notify you of the above faults. In most cases if you experience a power on but no vapour this mean that your coil is dead or loosely seated. To remedy this we recommend you first make sure the coil is seated and screwed in nice and tight (Not overly tight) next replace the coil completely and then check to see if your device works.